Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How are things going with the State Police?

To be of assistance to area residents, we have decided to have a section devoted to the monthly reports given by the State Police. We thought it might be interesting to compare the statistical data with last year’s. Hopefully this will be of help to each of our residents. As part of our statistical reporting, if any concerns are expressed at the Board of Supervisors’ Meetings we will include a summary. It is our hope this will give every resident a complete and unbiased view.

A Monthly Reporting of Wallace Police Activity

Police Activity
Calls for Service and Traffic Activity
Police Activity
Calls for Service and Traffic Activity
January*146 26
February**161 26

*One concern expressed was the time delay in responding to traffic accidents on snowy days. Apparently the State Police prioritize accident calls on snowy days. Accidents that involve injuries to motorist are given top priority, not by time of the call. Hopefully, the Supervisors will monitor this carefully and respond accordingly as they continue to evaluate Police in Wallace Township.

**In February there was a runaway at Devereux School. The State Police brought in a helicopter to locate the student. We were told by the Supervisors that the State Police had resources that would be available when needed. This was definitely demonstrated in this instance.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

School House Grant - $35,000 Approved!

The grant applied for by the BOS to restore the Indiantown School House on fairview road was finalized and approved by the State. The much needed $35,000 will be used very soon to replace the dilapidated roof. A bid package is to go out soon for vendors to bid on replacing the roof with new cedar shingles, installing gutters, and basically renewing everything on the school house above the stucco. Any monies left over from the roof replacement project will be used on repairing other exterior wear. It was noted by the engineers who reviewed the current condition of the bell tower that it was in no danger of falling off the roof. This dispelled another rumor spread on our favorite blog.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Voice Blasts Supervisor Then Bans Him From Posting

After battling back and forth for days with Supervisor Jones the Wallace Voice closed down their site preventing anymore posts. Except that is from cmp11 the admin of the site. cmp11 then preceded to blast away with the typical litany of false statements knowing that Supervisor Jones could not defend himself. This should be of no surprise, as no one has been able to respond freely in the past, because any posts that did not criticize the BOS were frequently deleted. So much for freedom of speech...